Wednesday, November 03, 2004

"We have spent the last four years fighting for the freedom of all mankind"

Those words were just uttered by the United States choice for President. I am curious what planet this man lives on. I suppose his definition of "all mankind" is actually if you are white, male, Christian, wealthy, heterosexual, and HIV negative (not necessarily in that order). It is very sad that the majority of the voting public lacked the foresight to keep in mind that this president will have the opportunity to appoint at least one (potentially 2 or 3) Supreme Court Justices. The new supreme court has the power to undo all of the great strides that our community has achieved thus far in our fight for equal rights. The ramifications of this election will be felt by generations of women, gay, bisexual, transgendered, persons of color, poor, HIV+ people to come.

We must all be dilligent as we go forward in our fight for the rights that we all deserve. What a sad day to be a lower middle class gay American. It is ok to be sad, it is ok to feel disenfranchised from the system, IT IS NOT OK TO GIVE UP!

Ghandi once said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" If we want to see a change in the leadership, we must become the leadership. We must excercise our power in this country. The amount of disposable income that the gay population controls is equal to several small countries, but yet we are timid in being ourselves... this must change before we can expect the rest of the country to respect who we are.

John Kerry ended his concession speech with the short prayer of "God Bless America", I choose to use the more to the point "Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do, and may God have mercy on their souls"

For more on this subject check out Terp's blog... he wrote a lovely manifesto.


At November 4, 2004 at 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am almost gave up....I even cried with the re-election of this hateful man. Thank you for you post, I do realize we can't give a 100 years when we're gone, the new generation of gay people will thank us.

At November 10, 2004 at 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not ready to give up, but I'm just about there. I shudder to think where we'll be in 4 years. If it wasn't so expensive & logistically difficult I'd pack my stuff up and move to Canada. To hell with this backwards thinking right-winged country.


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