Thursday, October 28, 2004

OK, I officially deserve whatever happens to me...

After the disasterous date with Matlock the other day, I decided to give him another shot (everyone acts stupid sometimes right?). Since then we have had 2 completely sober dates, that have been really fun, one we went to Gameworks and watched monday night football *grabs crotch and spits*, and then last night he came over to watch the Redsox beat the Cardinals asses in what would be the last game of the World Series. I made some pasta and sauce, and we just cuddled up on the couch.

Most people thinks he is dumb or boring or unentertaining... and I must admit, I did as well at first. But as I have spent more time with him, I have found him to be very intelligent and amazingly funny... the problem is most people write him off from the start and don't realize that his humor is really dry and he says things with this straight face so you don't know he is playing. Last night I found myself yelling at him about some political things that I thought he was being legitimately foolish about, when he interrupted me and said in the same tone "are you always this discriminatory against bisexual Nazi Jews?" and cracked the slightest grin. He had been joking the whole time and I was the one that looked silly cuz I took him seriously (which he got great amusement from)...

Anyway, we will see where this all goes... so far so good. But if there is really supposed to be a spark, it isn't here yet... I don't get all giddy or anything when he comes around yet, but I suppose that could come in time. He is cute as hell, and the closest thing to a spark that I get is a hard on when he kisses me... I suppose that is a good start.


At November 1, 2004 at 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good idea not to throw all your irons in the fire at once, because someone will end up getting burned and it will more than likely be you.

Smart move on the taking it easy part and seeing where it will go, no need to rush into a relationship just yet, that is where many make the first mistake two dates and then the marriage proposal.

I guess I'm just old fashioned or something but I like the thrill of taking my time and getting to know someone and letting nature take it's course and if it's meant to be it will happen, and if not then nothing harmed.

As far as the nothing more than a hard on when ya kiss him... nothing wrong with that either, I take that as a compliment when I kiss someone and they pop a chubby, let's me know I'm good at what I do... LOL..

Anyway hang in there, might be one of the best things that happens to you : )



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