Wednesday, October 13, 2004

OK, maybe a little nervous...

So tomorrow, is my "guest spot" at the Yadda Club... basically, this is drag-speak for audition. Unfortunately for the last year, I have really only done court shows, and really have not had a good response. After my long success in Vegas, this was a pretty harsh reality for me, and really impacted my decision to not audition before now... I was afraid of getting to the audition and being met with the same response. The thing I have realized is that the Court only likes their friends, and really, wouldn't know good drag if it walked up and teased out their ratty wigs. I suppose that pride also had a bit to do with my lack of getting into the shows here... I hate just getting up there doing a number (I have often said I feel like those dancing chickens at the old circuses) my home is on a microphone, I am funny and work an audience well... that is hard to do while moving your mouth to other peoples music.

Anyway, I would like to believe I am not nervous about this, but I am petrified. I was relieved when Tony told me he would be there, and lord knows I have enlisted everyone I know to be there so that I have a support group should something horrible happen (like having a wig fall off or falling down) and when the number is over, they will SCREAM!!! I have also gotten some great support from people who don't even know me, but have seen me or seen my picture and really want me to succeed. So even though I know it will go great, I don't want to let anyone down, least of all myself.


At October 14, 2004 at 7:08 AM, Blogger Cincy Diva said...

You just make sure you bring your best stuff! (GUFFAWS) Seriously dear, I wish I could be there. I always enjoy seeing you perform which has been too few timea as far as I am concerned. You knock them dead and have a great time!

Much Love and Zebra Cakes


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