Friday, October 08, 2004


I don't like em... nobody likes em, but we all have em. The one thing that I was taught as a kid, go out and party like a rock star, but get your ass to work the next morning. Last night, as you can see by the pictures, I went out to party like a rock star. I was definately the Belle Of The Ball. I went with Skippie and we had a great time. Skippie was trying to get me to call in sick to work, but I kept saying no. As he was carting me home, he said he would pick me up and take me to work in the morning, so I didn't have to leave my house so early to take the bus. The problem with the bus system here is that they run once an hour, so if you miss the one you need, you are gonna be waiting for another hour. Needless to say, we got home at 3am, and by the time I got my face washed and everything, it was 4am. Skippie said to call him early so he could pick me up. So at 7am, I put on a smiley voice and tried Skippie... and it just rang and rang till the Voicemail system picked up. That process repeated itself until about 3 minutes ago at 8am. I am due to work at 8:20am. I missed my bus that I had to take at 7:05am. Now, even though I got up and ready for work, I have had to shirk part of my responsibilities, all cuz I was partying too late and too lazy to get up early to take the bus.

I am of course mad at Skippie, but at the end of the day, it was my responsibility to get to work, not his. This is what happens when you rely too heavily on others, when you can just as well do the job yourself. grumble.


At October 9, 2004 at 12:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So ya teased on us.. Did Brandon call?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!


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