Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Aloha everyone!!!

I figured I had better post something before Terpy had a coronary! I have been out of town and away from a computer for nearly an entire week. The Board retreat in Las Vegas went really really well, we got a lot of work done and even more socializing done. I realized how much I missed Las Vegas after about day 2 of the visit. I just missed my friends that I had there and the fact that there was always something to do. I think when I am done in Cincinnati, I may have to hit it back to sin city for a minute.

Matlock called me while I was on my trip, it seems that while he was in training for the reserves, he recieved his orders to ship out to Iraq. I suppose when he signed up, he probably should have realized this was a possibility, but he, like thousands of others never had any idea that it could actually happen. I hope he takes care of himself. *sigh*

In other news, I think I might have a slight crush on someone that I am not allowed to have a crush on (well, I can have a crush, just can't do anything about it)... Trouble is I think this boy is crushing on me too... hmm, I will have to look for a loop hole in the rule. This is all I have time to write today, I am headed out to work, and then directly off to Denver for my show benefitting the CU colony. Wish me luck!


At November 19, 2004 at 12:45 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Rules are meant to be broken!

At November 19, 2004 at 3:01 AM, Blogger emeraldimp said...

Yay for Dusty! Yay for Monica! Woo!


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