Sunday, March 20, 2005

YAY!!! I finally had a Saturday night off, and I got to do something that I haven't done in probably 6 months. Tony and I went out! We decided it was a special occassion and we needed to enjoy it, so we decided to drive to Lexington to go out to the new Club Liquid.

The club was mostly disappointing, but I had so much fun with Tony. We never get to spend much time together cuz of my job and the fraternity, but when we do, I feel so refreshed. The time that we do spend together always seems to be working on something in the apartment so I am genearally cranky about... but when we get to go just hang out, I remember why I consider him one of my dearest friends.

Tomorrow I am off to Toledo for 3 days... which should be an interesting time. I hope it is not drama ridden, although I am sure it will be. I hope things aren't awkward between the crush and I... actually I am sure if it is, it will be my doing, so I should make a concious effort to not feel awkward. Time to suck it up...


At March 22, 2005 at 6:27 AM, Blogger Cincy Diva said...

And didn't that French Toast make a lovely little afternoon snack?


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